Biological Clock + Mediterranean Foods = Healty Life


      B i o l o g i c a l    C l o c k    of    B o d y

     Throughout the our blog's pages, we try to mention and give information about the Mediterranean foods (and Anatolian foods). Because, the food of the Mediterranean region is prepared with fresh and healty ingredients that are actually good for you and everyone. Also, it is excellent marriage of taste and nutrition that has made Mediterranean food so healtiest and popular all around the world. Furthermore, Mediterranean food known that, " The Art of Eating Health" and "Mediterranean Diet" throughout the world.

     On the other hand, daily eating times and eating habits are so important for the human's health. Yes we want to mention about the Biological clock of our organisms. So, let us to mention about the "Organism (body) Clock" or "Biological Clock". Everyone has a natural "Organism (body) Clock" that they are born with. Biological Clock tells one when it is breakfast time, when it is lunch time and when it is dinner time even it tells when it is bed time. Most people's clocks run on a daily rhythm of Nearly 24 hours.

     Like many people we interest "Our Biological Clock" very much and decided to study and research on this subject. When we study and research this theme we got really useful information from Suzanne Warner (from Swinburne Technology University), Aziz Sancar -Prof Dr.- (North Carolina University) and Eren Acikel (TUBITAK: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).

     First of all, lets try to get answer what "Biological Clock" means? According to scientists;
     - Human's Biological Clock is his/her body's way of registering time, it relies on factors such as your age, your habits, and Chemical changes taking place in his/her body.

     Actually all biological clock process happen in brain (it is the "pituitary glad" located near the centre of the brain). This tiny and simple organ pituitary glad which regulated the Biological Clock (rhythm) is known for fulfilling its duty releasing "melatonin" hormones. By the secretion of this hormone and its help, our organism may awair of day times (brightness) and night times (darkness) and it works. Briefly, the regulation of secretion of "melatonin" hormone and other hormones in a -24 hours period is called a "Biological Clock".

     So, do you know your "Biological Clock?" or Are You Aware of Your "Biological Clock?"

     Here it is our 24 hours Biological Clock:

     05:00 - 06:00; Are You Ready for the New Day? (Preparation Process): In this part, bye the secretion of cortisone our organism wake up. It means; we are ready to start for a brand new day. Also, Stress hormone increase to top (it increase six fold of its daily amount). Sothat, our organisms embark on acting. Because the energy which is spent throughout the night comes back. In this part, the metabolism gets into action and the energy and protein get ready for the whole work day.

     07:00; NO SPORT PLEASE - LETS HAVE A GOOD BREAKFAST (Breakfast Time): Especially we still feel ourselves very weak in this time, yes we wake up but our organisms are still weak. In this part, The muscles and joint are cold so we feel hard our body and stiffen our joint.  We should avoid sports at this time. Instead of it, good and strong breakfast is really good idea for you. Because, digestion organs work very well at this time and carbonhydrates turn into energy without being stored.

    08:00; Please NO SMOKE!!! NO CIGARETTES AFTER BREAKFAST (Pulse and Blood Pressure Increases): While we are asleep our heartbeats are nearly 60 but when we get up, it increase 72-78 band. This increase which is necessary for our work raises the risk of heart attack. Moreover, smoking after the breakfast (mostly people call it "cigarettes after breakfast") contract the Vein much more than any time.

   09:00 - 10:00 - 11:00; DON'T STOP! GO, GO! PLS WORK HARD (The Most Productivity Work Hours): In this part, our bodies reach their highest temperature. "Short Term Memory" is in the best condition in this time. These are the most suitable hours for intense working. Concentration and logical thinking is at the highest level. Also, for patients, these are more appropriate hours to have an injection and have an xray.

     12:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 SHORT TIME NAP IS A GOOD IDEA. WE RECOMMEND IT (Exhoustion Comes out): In this part, concentration decreases and sleep overcomes. We feel sleepy ourselves very much. Also, the blood amount which flows into the brain reduces because the blood will be used in stomach (for digestion process). After lunch, drowsiness overcomes. Especially between 12:00 and 01:00, we recommend that a nap (20-30 minutes) for you (According to doctors; the probability of getting an infraction of those who had a short time nap at that time decreases 30 percent).

     15:00; WE HAVE SO MANY REASONS TO BE A HAPPY ONE (The Happiest moment of the day): We can say that second most productivity process happens in this hour, also in this hour, endorphin hormone which is known happiness hormone climaxes. Our energy comes back again and we are ready to new works and our memory is up to the mark. We just want to say that "ENJOY THIS TIME". 

     16:00 - 17:00; LETS BREAK A OLYMPIC RECORD (The Muscles Strenghten and Adrenalin Level is at Its Height): In this part, the activation of the organs is very well. We feel ourselves very strong and our strenght increases. In these hours, our brains and muscles coordination is excellent. According to sport experts; it is determined that most of the Olympic Records are broken at 16:00. Sothat, we can say that these hours are very appropriate for the sports activities. Also, Blood pressure and circulation is in good condition in these hours. It is the moment when little muscles are most powerful and efficient.
